E-health toolkit for education

Healthcare technology – or e-health – is now an integral part of the healthcare sector. But how does a healthcare professional choose the right tool for the patient? The Rehabilitation and Technology Research Group...

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Innovating in rehabilitation and mobility (Field Lab Rehabilitation & Mobility)

Nowadays, innovative technology can support rehabilitation and encourage more exercise. By using the technological possibilities, patients also gain more control over their lives.

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Functioning as a family with a child with multiple disabilities

The presence of a child with multiple complex disabilities has many consequences for family life. Many parents say it is difficult to find a balance between providing intensive care for the child and their desire to lead...

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Assistive technology for longer independent living (AW Technology for Home)

Assistive devices are of great importance in supporting and improving the users' independence, quality of life and participation in society.

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The ikoefenzelf.nl platform after a stroke

For people who have had a stroke (or cerebrovascular accident, CVA), rehabilitation consists mainly of exercising. Being dependent on scheduled appointments at a rehabilitation centre or physiotherapist is no longer...

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Creating excellent patient care

The healthcare sector is constantly changing. With the increase in complexity of care issues, the changes in patient expectations and the technological developments of care innovations in healthcare, it is necessary for...

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Playful Exertion Interfaces

Playful interactive technology such as 'exertion games' can be helpful in getting children to exercise. These interfaces, which use the entire human body, are growing in popularity.

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Learning to live healthily during rehabilitation (NICE4ALL)

Rehabilitation after illness is an excellent opportunity to achieve a healthy lifestyle with more exercise and a healthier diet. During the rehabilitation process, the patient is consciously exercising to recover.

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'IT4Senioren' during COVID-19

Digital skills are indispensable nowadays, even for seniors. Whether arranging online banking, passing on a move or refilling a prescription, the use of digital systems is indispensable in our society.

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Innovations in sport and exercise in the SportLab

The SportLab is a practical environment (‘field lab’) at the Zuiderpark Sports Campus. At the SportLab, researchers are working on innovations and research to help people exercise more and better and to improve sports...

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Motoric learning in care

During their internships, Skin Therapy and Nursing students find that vocational education at universities of applied sciences does not prepare them adequately for practice.

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Home rehabilitation for the elderly (Medical Delta Living Lab Geriatric Rehabilitation@home)

For many elderly people, rehabilitation at home is easier than following a rehabilitation programme at a healthcare facility. It prevents the patient from being dependent on others to get to the rehabilitation facility.

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