Upcoming events

16 September | 12:00 - 13:00

Music Connection

Come and enjoy this lunchtime concert, a musical experience you don't want to miss!
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16 September | 12:00 - 14:00

Nice conversation with Oscar

Oscar Prinsen is open to having a good conversation with anyone who's interested. Feel free to drop by for a chat!
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17 September | 10:00 - 16:00

Trash Walk & Talk SUP Edition

We'll be cleaning up the water around THUAS on paddleboards. Are you in?
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17 September | 16:00 - 17:30

Interview met schrijver Ɩzcan Akyol

Eus wordt geĆÆnterviewd door een van onze eigen studenten over zijn roman Afslag 23 tijdens The Lighthouse Festival.
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26 September | 16:00 - 17:30

Spoken Word Event: Uit Jezelf

Wil je schitteren op het podium en jouw verhaal delen? Grijp nu je kans! Presentatie door spoken word artiest Benzokarim.
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21 November | 16:00 - 17:30

Interview met schrijver Malou Holshuijsen

Malou wordt geĆÆnterviewd over haar roman Zachtop Lachen door een van de leden van The Lighthouse Boekenclub.
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21 January | 16:00 - 17:30

Interview met schrijver Philip Huff

Philip wordt geĆÆnterviewd over zijn roman Wat Je Van Bloed Weet door een van de leden van The Lighthouse Boekenclub.
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25 March | 16:00 - 17:30

Interview met schrijver Tommy Wieringa

Tommy wordt geĆÆnterviewd over zijn roman Joe Speedboot door een van de leden van The Lighthouse Boekenclub.
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Watch & listen

Missed an event? We've got you covered!


Spodlight EU Special: What happens after the elections?

In this third and final podcast episode Emma and Richard reflect back: how do the results compare to the predictions?
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Annejet van der Zijl over Sonny Boy

Interview met de auteur over haar bestseller roman. Ze is geĆÆnterviewd door student Ocke Siertsema.
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Interview met auteur Tatjana Almuli

Tatjana Almuli vertelt openhartig over haar werk, het doorbreken van taboes en rouwverwerking.
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About The Lighthouse

At The Lighthouse, we provide a diverse range of activities including lectures, discussions, workshops, exhibitions, films, and documentaries. These activities aim to stimulate critical thinking and foster dialogue among our students and staff, addressing societal and political challenges, as well as exploring the world and the future. This strongly resonates with our institution's commitment to global citizenship, encouraging students to expand their horizons, connect with individuals from different backgrounds, and cultivate empathy.

We prioritize organizing these activities in partnership with students, lecturers, and researchers. We also collaborate with external organizations to host events. The Lighthouse events are held on and around the main hall of the campus at Johanna Westerdijkplein. All events are free for university students and staff, and we extend a warm welcome to external visitors as well.

The Lighthouse - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer

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