
How do we make sure that children in a wheelchair can play sports? What do elderly people need to live independently? How can we help people recover faster after a medical treatment?

The Health Innovation Centre of Expertise is researching these and other complex issues around the themes of 'Prevention through nutrition and exercise', ‘Inclusive exercise and sport’ and ‘Long-term care, housing and welfare’.

Social and technological aspects 

With over 80 staff members, the Centre of Expertise contributes to a vital and sustainable life for everyone, in the broadest definition of the word. In the nine participating research groups, professors, (lecturer) researchers and students work together with professionals, companies and end users. Using these various perspectives (social, design, engineering), our research is mainly focussed on the use of socio-technological innovations. Socio-technological because we believe that technology is never isolated from the social aspect.

To initiate change, you need to take into account the person behind the issue. E-health or healthcare technology is here to stay, creating new opportunities. However, technological capabilities don't automatically result in a better quality of life. Social contacts and participation in society also play an important role here. We include all these perspectives in our approach of complex health and inclusion issues, making the best use of our knowledge and expertise. 


A practical focus is always part of our research. We work together with residents, students, local (sports) organisations and businesses to find solutions to real questions and provide advice or offer solutions can be directly put into practice. By implementing the knowledge and expertise acquired in education, we train the real professionals of the future. We sometimes do this in so-called living labs. These are places at companies or in neighbourhoods where we can fully release the creative energy of researchers, students and stakeholders in an informal setting. We distinguish ourselves by listening carefully, always testing our findings against real life and actually implementing the solutions found. 


Escape room: towards a healthier lifestyle through gamification

More than 1000 high school students were asked what entices them to eat more fruits and vegetables.
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We Lead Volleybal Together

Despite the high participation rates of girls in volleyball, women are underrepresented in decision-making roles such as administrators, coaches, and referees.
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Assistive technology for longer independent living (AW Technology for Home)

Assistive devices are of great importance in supporting and improving the users' independence, quality of life and participation in society.
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8 February 2024


Launch of Research Project 'Mbo-students in Action for Plant-Based Food'

At the heart of the project are Mbo students: their perceptions of plant-based food, their consumption of plant-based…
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4 December 2023


Lecturer THUAS appointed as Medical Delta Lecturer

Many children do not meet the physical activity guidelines and make unhealthy food choices. Sanne de Vries, PhD…
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26 October 2023


Data Innovation Hub: Participation in the 4th ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory

This year’s focus is on Universities’ Role in Advancing Teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) Skills and…
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At the Centre of Expertise Health Innovation, more than 100 colleagues work on our joint mission. The core of this group is formed by our group of professors and the program office.

Meet our team

Team Health Innovation



Baseline measurement Neighborhood Sports Association Moerwijk-Noord

The current situation of the new living lab: BSV Moerwijk-Noord. Based on this report, further steps will be taken to increase sports and exercise participation.

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Differences in motor competence, enjoyment and weight status of young children (4-6 years)

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The Participant Journey Map: Understanding the Design of Interactive Augmented Play Spaces

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Agreement Between the KTK3+ Test and the Athletic Skills Track for Classifying the Fundamental Movement Skills Proficiency of 6- to 12-Year-Old Children

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