Study Choice Activities 2023 - 2024
1 October 2023 - 1 May 2024Shadow a student
1 October 2023 – 1 June 2024Guided tours
3 February 2024Open Day
19 March 2024Trial Study
20 March 2024Trial Study
5 April 2024Open Day

Help of a study choice advisor
The study choice advisors of The Hague University of Applied Sciences are ready to help you with your choice of study. Online, by phone or in person at THUAS. They offer study choice chats, study choice test or study choice workshops. Click here for more information.

Contact with the study programme
Do you already know what you are going to study? Or do you want to compare a few more programmes? You can also contact the study programme directly. You can contact a lecturer via the Questions button on the programme page.