
From healthcare to the retail sector and from the world of education to the business community - whichever sector we work in, the way in which we collaborate and live is changing at a rapid pace.

Digitisation, automation and globalisation have shifted the value propositions of companies and organisations - not to mention the desires and drives of the higher educated. The Sustainable Talent Development research group studies the effect this has on education in the 21st century and on innovation education in a network society. With an open and education-oriented view and a single important goal: optimal development of every student and professional.

About the research group

How can we make the degree programmes future-proof, considering the fact that traditional professions are dying out? Lifelong learning and development is essential. On a practical level, the boundaries between studying at a higher education institution and learning from professionals are becoming more fluid. Just like all other boundaries, such as the ones between disciplines, countries and organisations. Learning is becoming less constrained and networks that transcend those boundaries are becoming essential. A good example of this is learning together, i.e. in connection with others. The Sustainable Talent Development research group studies new forms of learning and development and aims to identify the forms that benefit students and professionals most.

About the professor

dr. Ellen Sjoer

After receiving her PhD from Leiden University, Ellen began working in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at the Delft University of Technology. She has been a project leader for various research projects about e-learning and information management in higher education and at companies. She is also involved in EU projects like Learn RDM in the SME. The first research group she headed at The Hague University of Applied Sciences was the one known as Knowledge Infrastructure for Science and Technology. Ellen also participates in various networks such as the Stichting HRM Lectorennetwerk Nederland and the board of the IACEE (International Association for Continuing Engineering Education). Ellen Sjoer heads the Sustainable Talent Development Research Group since 2011.

+31 (0)6 - 49 69 01 91

LinkedIn profile

Ellen Sjoer

Learning and developing: from the first day of the programme up to the time of leaving the professional practice. That's what I want for every professional.


Within our research group, researchers, lecturer-researchers and students work closely with practice partners to conduct research. Together they are committed to translating the results of the research -knowledge and insights- into the practice of education and the region.

Meet our team

Duurzame Talentontwikkeling, Team van multiculturele jongeren werkt met post-its met vreemde woorden tijdens productieve les


Greenport Projects: Lifelong development in the Greenport

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Co-creation: Working together equally to innovate

Equal cooperation between students, teachers, work field professionals, and other stakeholders outside the university, that is the starting point of co-creation in higher education.
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19 December 2023


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11 May 2021


Creating your own fake news

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