Use your vote!

In the run-up to the European Parliament Elections on 6-9 June 2024, The Lighthouse is organizing various events and creating special podcast episodes to help you make an informed choice in the voting booth. The Lighthouse collaborates with the study programs European Studies, International Public Policy and Leadership, International and European Law, Bestuurskunde / Overheidsmanagement, the research group Global Citizenship, and the European Impact HUB. Get ready to vote!

European Parliament Elections 2024 - Use your vote!


1 March | 14:15 - 15:15

New EU rules on digital addiction

Interactive guest lecture led by Kim van Sparrentak, Member of the European Parliament.
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3 May | 14:30 - 16:00

Guest lecture Agnes Jongerius

The Member of the European Parliament tells about the Platform Workers Directive, as one of the Directive’s rapporteurs.
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7 May | 14:45 - 16:00

Europa draait door

Volt en NSC in debat over vrede & veiligheid in podcastopname 'Europa draait door' met Tim de Wit en Arend Jan Boekestijn.
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17 May | 15:00 - 16:30

Boekpresentatie Post uit Brussel

Lector Mendeltje van Keulen presenteert haar nieuwe boek, een verzameling van de columns voor Brusselse Nieuwe.
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22 May | 19:00 - 21:00


Helaas moeten wij meedelen dat het Europa debat, dat gepland stond voor woensdag 22 mei, niet kan doorgaan.
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23 May | 11:30 - 15:45

#HBOvote presents: The European Election Festival

Wil je meer weten over de Europese Unie? Kom dan op donderdag 23 mei naar het verkiezingsfestival #HBOvote.
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3 June | 10:00 - 18:00

European Parliament Elections Info Day

Join us for a day filled with insights into the European Parliament elections!
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10 June | 15:00 - 16:30

Post-European Parliament Elections Analysis

Professor Mendeltje van Keulen will dive into the significant outcomes of the European Parliament elections.
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Europa draait door live vanaf De Haagse Hogeschool

De lijsttrekkers van Volt en NSC gingen met elkaar in debat over vrede en veiligheid o.l.v. Tim De Wit en Arend Jan Boekestijn.
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Spodlight EU Special: What is it that we are voting for in June?

In this podcast episode Emma and Elias discuss the importance of the European Parliament Elections.
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Spodlight EU Special: What are your options at the European Parliament elections?

In this podcast episode Emma and Elias discuss the election options: parties, demographics, electoral systems, predictions & more.
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MBO/HBOstem Podcast ft. Bart Groothuis

About international affairs and how young people can be more engaged in the European Parliament elections!
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About the elections

What is the European Parliament?

The European Parliament is likethe voice of the people of the European Union. It's where decisions are made that affect all of us, like laws on topics such as climate change, student rights, and economic growth.

Why is voting  important?

Your vote matters! By voting,you choose the members ofthe European Parliament. These members make decisions that influence the future of Europe and your own. By actively participating in the elections, you have the opportunity to make your voice heard and contribute to a stronger and more inclusive Europe. 

Where can you vote?

You can vote at any polling station in your municipality. This could be, for example, at THUAS or another location in your city. Look online for the polling locations and opening hours. You will receive your voting pass in the post no later than May 23, 2024. If you want to vote in a different municipality, you need to apply for a voter's pass at your own municipality.

Are you a EU-student? You can vote here!

If you're from another EU country and studying in The Netherlands, you can also vote here! You must register with your municipality usingthe Y 32 form before April 23, 2024. You can request the form at your town hall. After successful registration, you can vote at any polling station in your municipality.

We are The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a program full of interesting activities on current, social and global issues.

The Lighthouse - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer