Stay in touch
We believe we have much to offer one another, even after graduation. The THUAS Alumni Office regularly organises events that benefit our graduates and relate to current developments and activities in your field, such as refresher courses, symposia and reunions.
Register as an alumnus/alumna
Alumni training and workshops
The Hague University of Applied Sciences would like to help you in your development as a (young) professional, even after you graduate. Through organized coaching sessions, workshops and training, we gather together graduates of all ages and educational backgrounds. We learn from each other’s stories and experiences, and expand our professional networks. Take a look at our (English) offer for the academic year 2021-2022.
The THUAS alumni network offers you a great opportunity to informally expand your network, which is useful and meaningful if you are looking for your first job or if you want to take the next step in your career. Worldwide, the THUAS alumni network counts over 80,000 graduates; a vast and valuable network comprising of a wide range of knowledge and experience.

Post a job opportunity
Looking for good employees? Send a brief description of your vacancy and a link to the site that lists the job opportunity or opportunities to [email protected]. We will post the vacancy in the LinkedIn group of the university (over 13,000 members). If you are a THUAS graduate, you can apply for membership of this LinkedIn group and post the job vacancy yourself.
LinkedIn group
View the careers of more than 80,000 alumni at our LinkedIn university page. Where do they work? What do they do? Who are our most prominent alumni?
By becoming a member of our THUAS LinkedIn group, you can easily stay up to date on all developments at THUAS and take part in discussions and networks.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Do you want to follow the THUAS alumni network on other social media sites? We have a group on Facebook (over 6,700 members), we tweet, and are also active on Instagram.
International alumni chapters
Almost 10% of THUAS' 80,000 alumni live abroad. From Aruba to Sweden, from New York to Melbourne: THUAS alumni are everywhere. The Hague University of Applied Sciences believes in a long-term, mutual and meaningful relationship with its alumni. That's why we are committed to keeping in touch with our graduates outside of the Netherlands and facilitating local initiatives. Read more about our international chapters.
Replacement documents
Have you lost your diploma?
Download a free digital extract or request a printed version of your diploma (provided that the diploma was awarded in 1996 or later) via DUO Diploma Register.
Do you need a certified copy of your diploma, grade list or a copy of your propaedeutic certificate?
Please drop by the Student Services desk with your original documents and a valid proof of identity and they will provide you with a certified copy on the spot.
Are you unable to visit or was your diploma issued before 1996?
Fill out this form and the Enrolment Centre will send you a certified copy. This service is free of charge, but please take into account a processing time of around 6 weeks.
Questions? Please contact the Enrolment Centre.
Contact us
Mailing address
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
EK&C / Alumni Office
PO Box 13336
2501 EH The Hague, The Netherlands
Visiting address
Poseidon buillding
Johanna Westerdijkplein 109 / 6th floor
2521 EN The Hague, The Netherlands