Risk Management & Cyber Security
Centre of Expertise Cyber Security

Risk has become a central characteristic of today’s modern, technology driven, globalized and interconnected society, sometimes referred to as ‘the risk society’.
Due to our dependency on technology, digital risks are on the rise. Originally, controlling risk was a key responsibility of the government. Nowadays many public and private actors have become involved in managing these risks. Every organization has to make difficult decisions about how much time and money is spent protecting its customers, technology and services. Risk management makes it possible to enhance these decisions, based on the best possible information.
About the research group
The main questions of the Lectoraat (research group) Risk Management & Cyber security are: what does effective cyber risk management look like and what people, processes and technology are needed to make cyber risk management work? This includes themes like the working and effectiveness of (a) cyber risk management governance and models, (b) cyber risk assessment methodologies, (c) cyber security control frameworks and (d) cyber controls such as vulnerability management (prevention), security monitoring (detection), cyber crisis management (response) and business continuity management (recovery).
In addition, the lectoraat also investigates the impact of cyber incidents and crises on the reputation, operation and financial stability of public and private organizations. Finally, the lectoraat also examines the role and significance of public / private partnerships in the field of cyber security and the role that governments and regulators (can) play in increasing the cyber resilience of organizations.
About the professor
dr. Peter Roelofsma
Peter Roelofsma joined the Risk Management & Cyber Security group in August 2023, coming from the Safety and Security Science section of Delft University of Technology, where he worked at the Center for Safety in Healthcare. His experience in safety and security involves the domains of: health care, smart cities, military command & control, aeronautical control and risk and management in traffic tunnels.
His recent work involves issues regarding: organizational learning, shared mental models, safe and secure by design and the use of AI-coaching and sensors for safety and security.

Within our research group, researchers, lecturer-researchers and students work closely with practice partners to conduct research. Together they are committed to translating the results of the research -knowledge and insights- into the practice of education and the region.