Any questions?

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Operations is the heartland of any organization regardless whether products, services or a combination of both are provided. Operations is about making things happen in an efficient and effective way by managing resources and processes.

Without the understanding of operations, there is no license to operate. Covid-19 pandemic made it crystal clear that the inteconnectedness of the international supply chain caused supply and demand mismatches, leading to global economic recession.

Admission requirements

Everything about admission

You will be admitted to the programme if you have completed a HBO or WO bachelor's programme. In addition, you need at least 2 years of work experience.

For more information or to apply directly?

Check the registration conditions or apply directly:

  1. Register your enrolment in Osiris, our enrolment system.
  2. Upload digital copies of your CV, relevant diplomas and list of grades. You will hear within a week whether you meet the admission requirements.
  3. Optional: intake interview. Do you not have a relevant educational entry level but you do have a higher professional education work and thinking level? During an intake interview, the programme manager will assess whether you are sufficiently qualified for the degree programme in question.
  4. If your employer funds the degree programme, we will ask you for a completed employer's statement. You can print out and upload this PDF. You will receive confirmation by e-mail that you have been admitted to the degree programme. Invoicing will follow after the start, but the employer’s statement must be in before the start of degree programme. You can upload a blank sheet if you don't manage to get the employer's statement signed immediately. 

How to apply

Decisions regarding your qualification for admission

There are no exceptions to the official admission requirements. The Enrolment Office is the only party that can make decisions regarding your qualification for admission based on official regulations. You can’t rely on any other sources of information for your qualification for admission. 

Inhoud van de module

Wat ga je doen?


Blended learning 

Alle opleidingen van De Haagse Hogeschool Pro worden aangeboden in een blended vorm. Dit houdt in dat er in het programma een mix is van fysiek en online onderwijs. Bij elke opleiding staan persoonlijke aandacht, kwaliteit en praktische toepasbaarheid centraal.  

Een oplossing op maat 

Alle opleidingen kunnen ook incompany gevolgd worden. Wil je een leertraject dat perfect aansluit bij de wensen van je organisatie? Wij denken graag met je mee voor een maatwerkoplossing. Neem contact met ons op voor de mogelijkheden

Your investment

StartdateSeptember 2, 2024
Duration10 Weeks
Lectures3 hours per week
Time investment3 hours per week and 2 hours per week for group work
One- time cost€ 2.490

Jouw tijdsinvestering






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uur per week groepswerk

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