Although your days at university are long gone, you keep learning every day. You learn valuable lessons working in the professional field. Nevertheless, you feel an urge to expand your knowledge and skills and explore the context of practice. There are various ways to do this at THUAS Pro, which is part of The Hague University of Applied Sciences. On this page you will find some general information regarding our various programmes.

You can also find specific information on this website about each Master’s programmeMaster’s modulepostgraduate course and Masterclass.

Our Master’s programmes

Maybe you have wanted to enrol in a Master’s programme for some time now. Or perhaps your employer is encouraging you to take on this challenge because it will enhance your performance. We’d like to give you a general picture of our Master’s programmes at THUAS Pro.

High-quality, accredited programmes

First and foremost, you get value for money with us. That’s because all of our Master’s Programmes are accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This organisation monitors the quality of education at universities of applied sciences and research universities in the Netherlands and Flanders. We would not be able to issue our degrees and titles without this accreditation.


Doing a Master’s programme at THUAS Pro means that you will be able to establish clear connections between theory and practice. You will immerse yourself in theory to work towards your Master’s thesis. In this thesis you will show that you have a solid command of the material by applying it to practice-oriented research. In many cases, you will carry out that research in the organisation where you work. The results from the thesis can then be used within your organisation, which means that it will benefit both you and your organisation.

Work experience

Since practice plays such an important role in our Master’s programmes, a certain level of work experience is required for some of our Master’s programmes. This means that you won’t be able to enter those Master’s programmes directly after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree.

Full-time or part-time

You can enrol in full-time and part-time Master’s programmes at THUAS Pro. In a full-time Master’s you invest one year of your time into your future. A part-time Master’s takes two years. See the options available for your preferred Master’s programme.

Master’s title and diploma

Once you have successfully completed all modules of the Master’s programme and persuasively defended your thesis, you will receive the title of Master of Science (MSc), Master of Arts (MA), or Master of Business Administration (MBA). You may also gain ‘PE-punten’ on some of our Dutch Master’s programmes. This is particularly important in sectors where you are expected to constantly keep your professional skills up to date.

Government-funded or non-funded

The Netherlands has government-funded and non-funded Master’s programmes. The government determines the statutory tuition fees for government-funded Master’s programmes every year. If the Master’s programme is non-funded, the tuition fees are set by the institution. The Hague Graduate School mainly offers non-funded Master’s programmes. We are currently developing several government-funded Master’s programmes, and also various Master’s programmes that lead on directly from Bachelor’s programmes.

See all our Master’s programmes here.

Blended Learning

All the programmes at THUAS Pro are offered in a blended way. Blended learning will be a mix of online and on-campus education, with the focus on personal attention, quality and practicality.

The benefits of blended learning:

• An easier combination with your work and private life.
• Interactive (online) classes with lecturers and fellow students.  
• During situations like the COVID-19 crisis and having safety guidelines, it is still possible to start a master programme.

Development and ambition

There are many professionals at the moment, that are taking their ambition and further development into consideration. Am I in the right spot? Do I want to specialize? Now is the time to make that step. Contact us for advice or guidance on how you can boost your career.

Measures taken

To provide education in a safe and healthy environment we follow the guidelines set up by the university and the Dutch government. These are the guidelines provide for your safety:

1. Small groups. Every student will be provided space for the required safety distance. The distances will be clearly marked throughout the campus.  
2. Pre-check. All students and lecturers are screened on health.
3. Cleaning & hygiene. All the materials and locations on campus are cleaned thoroughly before and after the lectures. It is mandatory to wash and disinfect your hands on our premises.
4. Common area. The common area will not be in use until further notice. This includes the lunch area, the coffee corners and other open spaces in the common area. The elevators are only used if really necessary. The stairs are specified with routing.

Our Master’s modules

Maybe you would like to start off by enrolling in a specific component of a Master’s programme. No problem! It’s possible to take just one or two modules. These always conclude with an assignment. This will allow you to gain the knowledge you need for your professional development at that particular moment. You will receive a certificate once you have successfully completed one of these modules.

If you decide to take the full Master’s programme later, you can ask for an exemption from the modules you have already completed.

See all our Master’s modules here.

Our postgraduate courses

The Hague Graduate School offers a wide range of postgraduate courses. These have a very strong link to practice, just like our Master’s programmes. However, they do not require you to invest quite as much time. Postgraduate courses are vocationally based. These programmes allow you to continue to develop or specialise in your professional field. At this moment all our postgraduate courses are in Dutch.

What do you need?

If you would like to follow a postgraduate course, two development paths may be relevant for you:

  • You have already been working in a position that requires higher education or equivalent ability for several years.
  • You have a bachelor’s degree and several years of relevant work experience.

During an intake interview, you will be able to tell us why you would like to follow the programme. The programme team will then determine whether you are sufficiently equipped to start the programme and whether you have a realistic chance of successfully completing it.


Most postgraduate courses are accredited. This may be because a course has been registered with the Netherlands’ Postgraduate Professional Education Foundation, which is part of CPION. Alternatively, it may be because a course has received a sector-related accreditation or because it provides continuous professional development credits. For details about specific registrations and accreditation, see the programme pages.

See all our postgraduate courses here.

Our Masterclasses

If you are looking for a short training course to refresh your knowledge or to acquire new skills, a Masterclass may be a good option for you.

These Masterclasses are not part of a full Master’s programme or a postgraduate course. Masterclasses are also different to Master’s modules. A short Masterclass lasting a day or several days gives you the chance to expand your knowledge in a particular specialisation. You can gain ‘PE-punten’ on some Masterclasses. At this moment all our Masterclasses are in Dutch.

See all our Masterclasses here.