The General Council:

- embodies the central level of participation in The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- meets 6 times a year with the Executive Board and twice a year with the Board of Trustees.

The General Council meets with the Board of the university. They discuss matters that concern the entire university. An important topic is the Framework Budget Policy Document, which contains the general guidelines for the financial policy. The members examine this critically. Furthermore, the General Council critically monitors how the funds are allocated and whether the Executive Board adheres to previously made agreements.

They also examine whether the university’s new policy contributes to the quality of education. Finally, the General Council advises on the appointment, reappointment and the resignation of the Chair and the members of the Executive Board.


The General Council has 20 seats, 10 student seats en 10 staff seats. The members are elected from the 8 electoral districts comprising of the 7 faculties, the central services and the Centres of Expertise.

Daily Board

The Daily Board of the General Council consists of 3 members: the Chair, the Vice-Chair on behalf of staff and the Vice-Chair on behalf of students. The Daily Board discusses the university’s current affairs. They are the point of contact for the Executive Board between the official meetings. Finally, the Daily Board also looks into the current affairs of the sub-councils (Faculty Councils, Services Council and the Centre of Expertise Council) and the Degree Programme Advisory Committees.


All the members of the Council take part in one of the committees. The committees Finance (F), Research, Education and Student Affairs (R, E&S), and Personnel and Organisation (P&O) discuss the various topics with the portfolio manager of the Board and the relevant directors in preparation for the official meeting. 

Annual Report

Annually, the General Council writes a report of its activities and with this, they are held accountable to their constituents. Also, the General Council reports on the process and results of the allocation of National Programme Education (NPO) funds and Study Advance Funds (SVM).


Would you like to know more? Please contact the General Council via