All of the DPACs consist of students and lecturers of a degree programme. They meet with the Programme Manager four times a year. The DPAC:

  • issues advice on the Education and Examination Rules and Regulations (EER) of the degree programme;
  • assesses the enforcement of the EER on a yearly basis;
  • issues solicited or unsolicited advice to the Faculty Council or the Academy Council and the Faculty Director or the Director of the Academy for M&PC about all other matters concerning education in the degree programme in question.

The DPACs discusses aspects related to the quality of education, such as the balance in the workload for the students, changes in the offered degree programmes, modifications of the Examination Rules and Regulations, assessing the schedules for lectures and exams. For the degree programme, the DPAC is an important and apreciated link on improving and guaranteeing the quality of the degree programme. Furthermore, as of 1 September 2017, the DPACs have received the right to endorse decisions on parts of the EER.


Depending on the total number of students of the degree programme, the DPAC has or 8 seats, 3 or 4 student seats and 3 or 4 staff seats.

Daily Board

Each DPAC has a Daily Board, which consists of 2 members: the Chair and the Secretary. The Daily Board discusses all of the current affairs concerning the degree programme. They are the point of contact for the Programme Manager between the official meetings.


Would you like to know more? Please contact the DAPC in question via