Vitality and health from young to old (Vitale Delta)
Vitality and health from young to old is an important theme for the Delta region of Leiden, The Hague and Rotterdam. The aging population and increased burden on care are a cause for concern.
Centre of Expertise Health Innovation

Vitality and health from young to old is an important theme for the Delta region of Leiden, The Hague and Rotterdam. The aging population and increased burden on care are a cause for concern. The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Leiden and Inholland University of Applied Sciences are working together to share knowledge and skills in the research programme ‘Vitale Delta’. They want to undertake steps to strengthen people’s resilience and ownership and create a healthy environment for residents in the region.
In addition to contributing to society, the research findings are also interesting for the professional field and education. Researchers share their findings in online and offline meetings, publications and newsletters. The findings are also incorporated in the education modules to train students with the latest knowledge and most recent developments.
Vitale Delta theme
A total of 19 research groups, including Healthy Lifestyle in a Supporting Environment and Urban Ageing of The Hague University of Applied Sciences are joining forces in the following work packages:
- Supported vitality: care technology
- Physical vitality: exercise in the neighbourhood
- Social vitality: an integrated neighbourhood approach
- Self vitality: self management (support) and vital professionals
The work method within these work packages is based on a co-creation process with citizens, clients, patience and professionals. The research also contributes to innovations for society and allows various disciplines to work together (inter-professional).
The role of The Hague University of Applied Sciences
The research group Healthy Lifestyle in a Supporting Environment, together with John Verhoef, professor at University of Applied Sciences Leiden, plays a leading role within the work package of ‘Physical vitality’. The researchers are conducting research on the following topics:
- Lifestyle programmes for specific target groups
- Technological support for exercise
- An environment that promotes healthy choices
The following projects of the research group are part of this work package:
- Staying active support care professionals (BiBoZ)
- More Health
THUAS is also involved in the work package ‘Self vitality’. The following topics play a central role in this work package:
- (Support for) self management and ownership for people with chronic diseases
- The vitality, health and wellness of loved ones, students and (care) professionals
One of the projects within this work package is ‘Towards a responsible rebellion’.
A SIA SPRONG subsidy enabled The Hague University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam, University of Applied Sciences Leiden and Inholland University of Applied Sciences to join together in a consortium. Many partners from the professional field, education and government have now also joined the consortium. Since November 2020, Vitale Delta has been one of the 15 scientific programmes of Medical Delta.
More information
Vitale Delta has its own website with information and news about the activities:
The project runs until 2026.
Bregje Thomassen (work package leader Physical Vitality and project manager)
[email protected]
06 – 39 07 79 38
Sanne de Vries (leading professor Physical Vitality)
[email protected]
06 – 46 87 68 52
Liesbeth de Wit (work package leader Self Vitality)
[email protected]
06 – 43 16 80 08
Rol van De Haagse Hogeschool
Het lectoraat Gezonde Leefstijl in een Stimulerende Omgeving heeft samen met Petra Siemonsma, lector van Hogeschool Leiden, een leidende rol binnen het werkpakket ‘Fysiek vitaal’. Hier voeren onderzoekers onderzoek uit naar de volgende onderwerpen:
- Leefstijlprogramma’s voor specifieke doelgroepen
- Technologische ondersteuning van bewegen
- Een omgeving die gezonde keuzes stimuleert
Projecten vanuit het lectoraat binnen dit werkpakket zijn:
- Blijf in Beweging ondersteuning Zorgprofessionals Praktijk Situatie (BiBoZ-PS)
- Met Ouderen Vooruit Wandelen met Interactieve Technologie (MOVe WITh)
Ook is De Haagse betrokken bij het werkpakket ‘Zelf Vitaal’. In dit werkpakket staan de volgende onderwerpen centraal:
- (Ondersteuning van) zelfmanagement en eigen regie bij mensen met chronische aandoeningen
- Vitaliteit, gezondheid en welzijn van naasten, studenten en (zorg)professionals
Een van de projecten binnen dit werkpakket is ‘Naar verantwoorde rebellie’.
Een SIA SPRONG subsidie maakt het mogelijk dat De Haagse Hogeschool, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Hogeschool Leiden en Hogeschool Inholland zich verenigden in een consortium. Inmiddels hebben vele partners uit werkveld, onderwijs en overheid zich hierbij aangesloten. Sinds november 2020 is Vitale Delta een van de 15 wetenschappelijk programma’s van Medical Delta.
Meer informatie
- Vitale Delta heeft een eigen website waarop informatie en nieuws rondom activiteiten te vinden is:
- Lees het artikel over de start van het project ‘Hogescholen in Delta-regio gaan vitaliteit en gezondheid in Zuid-Holland versterken’.
- Onder de naam ‘Vitale Delta:Medical Delta's journey towards vitality and health’ is Vitale Delta ook een Medical Delta programma Vitale Delta wordt Medical Delta's 14e wetenschappelijke programma - Vitale Delta
Dit project loopt tot 2026.
Assia Kraan (Projectmanager Vitale Delta)
[email protected]
06 18 53 87 96
Sanne de Vries (leidend lector Fysiek Vitaal)
[email protected]
06 – 46 87 68 52
Joan Dallinga (werkpakketleider Fysiek Vitaal)
[email protected]
06 – 43568403