Towards Responsible Rebellion: Governance and participation in collective housing for older adults
As of 1 May 2019, this project has started that was funded by the Taskforce for Applied Research SIA. This project is a collaboration between the research groups Urban Ageing and Metropolitan Developments of The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and therefore also between two Centres of Expertise. The project will run until May 2022.
There is an increasing need for collective living arrangements for older people who are in between independent living and nursing care. However, entrepreneurs are encountering problems when it comes to setting up new residential facilities for older adults: the number of parties to be involved and the national and own internal regulations are perceived as impeding the scope for entrepreneurship. In addition, it is difficult to involve (future) residents, which is of great importance to ensure that the offer meets their wishes, the market demand. As a result of these obstacles, initiatives do not get off the ground satisfactorily and the current assortment is limited and/or does not sufficiently meet the housing needs of older adults. Many older people are now at risk of falling between the cracks. The need for independent living with care facilities from the field is increasing. In order to be able to (successfully) set up new forms of housing, it is primarily important for entrepreneurs to improve governance in terms of regulatory space and participation.
The goal of this research is to answer the following research question:
How can we remove the obstacles which entrepreneurs experience in the governance of various forms of housing, in particular in the area of organising participation and dealing with regulations?
Responsible rebellion is the starting point here: room for enterprising parties to deliberately take a different approach within the applicable laws and regulations, under the condition of providing good quality housing which allows welfare services and care, with consideration for empowerment and independence.
The following partners collaborate in this project with The Hague University of Applied Sciences: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Leiden University of Applied Sciences, CareBNB, SOR, Vastgoed Zorgsector (Real Estate Care Sector), BureauVijftig,, D'article Enterprise, ProGoDo, Aedes, VTW, Marjo Visser Advies en Interimmanagement, NVTZ, Grey Valley, Atelier Rijksbouwmeester.
The Taskforce for Applied Research SIA,
- van Hoof, J., Rusinovic, K.M., Tavy, Z.K.C.T., van den Hoven, R.F.M., Dikken, J., van der Pas, S., Kruize, H., de Bruin, S.R., van Bochove, M. (2021) The Participation of Older People in the Concept and Design Phases of Housing in The Netherlands: A Theoretical Overview. Healthcare 9(3):301.
- van Bochove, M., Rusinovic, K., Koops-Boelaars, S., van Hoof, J. (2021) ‘We gaan het gewoon doen!’ Rebelse initiatieven in onderwijs en ouderenhuisvesting. Beleid en Maatschappij 48(2):174-195.
- Rusinovic, K.M., van Bochove, M.E., Koops-Boelaars, S., Tavy, Z.K.C.T., van Hoof, J. (2020) Towards responsible rebellion: How founders deal with challenges in establishing and governing innovative living arrangements for older people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(17):6235
For more information about the project, please contact Joost van Hoof, professor Urban Ageing