Our society can no longer live without technology that uses radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF). Especially in telecommunications, we cannot escape 3G-, 4G- and now 5G-technology. At the same time, there are growing concerns about the possible health impact of exposure to these electromagnetic fields. The European Union has therefore launched various initiatives to research the possible effects. The Smart Sensor Systems research group is affiliated with one of these research projects, consortium NextGEM.

The goal of the project is to ensure human safety when using existing and future technology based on electromagnetic fields (EMF). That is why the team is researching if exposure to electromagnetic fields causes health problems in people and if there are changes at the cellular level.


The research is conducted both in laboratories with cultured cells, as well as by measuring people in their daily lives. The project will monitor various frequencies.

The project is divided into several work packages. Within one of the work packages, the research group will identify state-of-the-art measurement technology. If necessary, new hardware may also be designed in cooperation with partner TU Delft.

The research group is also responsible for a case study in which exposure to EMF in daily life and the possible effects on red blood cells are investigated. Volunteers will then wear a vest with sensors developed by the researchers to monitor EMF exposure.



The consortium consists of 20 institutions from Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Dutch participating institutions include The Hague University of Applied Sciences, TU Delftthe National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Agentschap Telecom.

Intended duration of the project

July 2022 - July 2026

Participating degree programmes

Engineering Physics 
Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
Industrial Design Engineering 
Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence


This project is funded by the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme.


Up-to-date information is available on the NextGEM website

Project leader

Erdal Korkmaz, e.korkmaz@hhs.nl


John Bolte, Smart Sensor Systems professor

Derek Land, Lecturer-researcher

Fidelis Theinert, Lecturer-researcher