Energy transition LV
Like all Dutch municipalities, Leidschendam-Voorburg has the task of letting go of the gas grid. Knowledge center Mission Zero was asked to help think about the realization of this issue from multiple perspectives.
Centre of Expertise Mission Zero

Like all Dutch municipalities, Leidschendam-Voorburg has the task of letting go of the gas grid. Knowledge center Mission Zero was asked to help think about the realization of this issue from multiple perspectives.
Goal of the project
The municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg and Mission Zero want to collaborate in order to:
- Research complex issues around the energy transition, implementation by the municipality and involving citizens. Subsequently we want to develop policy proposals.
- Work with students to introduce future professionals to relevant issues around the energy transition.
- Apply for subsidies in order to work together for a longer period of time and to conduct research into the necessary development of methodology.
Final product/intended results
- Develop a collective solar roof business case based on a few typical locations, including identification of legislative and regulatory issues and possible solutions.
- Set up a structure for a "Leidschendam-Voorburg as lab" knowledge repository.
- Support the energy coaches.
Project leader
Sander Mertens
Researchers involved
Baldiri Salcedo
Project start and end date
March 2021
Programmes and/or minors involved
Faculty of Technology, Innovation and Society and faculty of Business, Finance & Marketing.
Municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg
Municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg
Student project team (which students are working on the project)
Preliminary research 6 graduation students