Call for volunteers – take part in our new citizen science project "Trust MEdiators"!
Conflicts happen every day, often in an intercultural context. These conflicts frequently arise because we don’t really know how to talk to or collaborate with people from different cultures.
Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning
Conflicts happen every day, often in an intercultural context. These conflicts frequently arise because we don’t really know how to talk to or collaborate with people from different cultures.
Imagine an open discussion in a classroom involving students and lecturers from different cultures. How many times did you feel that something went wrong or that students (or lecturers) representing different cultures clashed or misunderstood each other?
Mediation is a process in which a neutral mediator helps disputants solve their conflicts on a voluntary basis. Every mediator needs to build trust with the disputants to ensure safe discussions and make sure that disputants perceive them as trustworthy.
We all need to develop mediation skills to solve intercultural disputes or misunderstanding on a daily basis. Yet, one cannot learn how to become a trustworthy mediator (solely) from books.
We believe that in order to effectively build trust with disputants, mediators should understand the informal aspects of trust which impact (for better or worse) trust building in and between different cultures. This is the so-called wisdom of the crowds.
In order to collect this knowledge, we are turning to you!
Watch our video to see why you should get involved. Go to our website & the Citizen Science Platform at: and share your story about trust and dispute resolution with us!
We need you. You. Us. The world!
The Trust MEdiation project is funded by the NRO.