Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
A research-action project at the Research Group Multilevel Regulation and the Centre of Expertise on Global and Inclusive Learning, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), in partnership with The Hague Humanity Hub (THHH).
This project focuses on the ‘soft skills’ that are not (or not widely) taught in the current curricula offered by the Higher Education Institutions in The Hague. It wants to equip young people who aim to pursue a career in ‘global governance’, international development, and Rule of Law work with such personal leadership skills.
Specifically, we focus on young people from non-elite backgrounds. By ‘non-elite’, we mean less privileged in terms of their social (and economic) class, and who cannot rely on a strong social network that can connect them to potential employers in international organisations, INGOs, and NGOs working globally based in The Hague.
This project links to the issues identified in The Hague Education Agenda 2022-2026. The Agenda emphasises the importance of improving the connection between education and the labour market in its Ambition 4B. This project contributes to this ambition by developing training sessions that are based on a thorough assessment of the needs and expectations for new staff on the part of IOs, INGOs, and NGOs operating globally based in The Hague.
Furthermore, the project will explore the possibilities that after the implementation of the pilot programme of workshops with eligible employees of participating organisations, one or several educational programmes at THUAS, the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS; Erasmus University Rotterdam), Leiden University, and other interested higher education institutions will include (parts of) it in their curricula (e.g. through a shared minor) in the following years, or offer them as a series of workshops.
The project team is also establishing links with the Inner Development Goals movement globally and in The Netherlands, given the relevance of the capacities, attitudes, and skills it has identified for this project.
The project is co-funded by the ‘Subsidieregeling hoger onderwijs Den Haag 2022’, THUAS and THHH with a total budget of €73k.
Project team
Dr. Sylvia Bergh: Project Lead and Senior Researcher at the Research Group Multilevel Regulation and the CoE Global and Inclusive Learning, THUAS
Dr. Naomi van Stapele: Lector Inclusive Education at the CoE Global and Inclusive Learning, THUAS
Dr. Barbara Warwas: Lector Multilevel Regulation at the CoE Global and Inclusive Learning, THUAS
Ashley Richard Longman: Researcher at the Faculty of Public Management, Law, and Safety, and Lecturer of International Public Policy and Leadership, THUAS
Amaal Ali: Student Assistant. Student Pre-Master Public Administration, Leiden University. Junior Researcher at the CoE Global and Inclusive Learning, THUAS
Ranjika Basu Majumdar: Student Assistant. Student Political Science (BSc), Leiden University (Campus The Hague)
Irma Nugrahanti: Student Assistant. PhD researcher, International Institute of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Hague
Ewa Romanowska: Student Assistant. Student International and European Law, LL.B., THUAS
Elif Mumcu: Erasmus+ Intern at the Research Group Multilevel Regulation, THUAS and student Political Science and Public Administration (BA) at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Formal partner organisation
The Hague Humanity Hub (THHH, Alexandre Taillandier, programming lead, and Jill Wilkinson, managing director)
A post by The Hague Humanity Hub post on the project.
If you have any questions about the project or your participation, please contact the programme lead Sylvia Bergh at