The Office of the Board supports the Executive Board and its members in a variety of areas. The Office of the Board supports the Executive Board in its relationship with its supervisory authority and the participation council and is also the organisational entity responsible for administrative tasks involved in the provision of official support for these two institutions.

The Office of the Board is also tasked with managing the Executive Board, the Board of Trustees and the General Council. Additionally, it is responsible for the formal implementation of protection mechanisms such as appeal and objection procedures. The ombudspersons for employees and students are also part of the Office in organisational terms. A number of devolved Human Resource Management and Communication roles have been placed within the Office of the Board. The Office also fulfils a minor internal communication role.


mr. drs. J.T. van Laar (Jerimi), MPA

Units of the Office of the Board

The Office of the Board provides secretarial and staff support to the Executive Board and university management in administration & management and strategy & policy planning. Central to the provided support services is attending to the decision-making process on the administrative level by the Executive Board and Board of Trustees and supporting consultations between the Executive Board and management.


Office of the Board Secretariat

Ovaal 2.33
070 - 445 74 70