Purchasing terms and conditions
Through the Purchasing and Contract Management Policy, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter: THUAS) shapes its collaboration with suppliers. Our mission is to be a socially engaged and professional public client, contributing to the achievement of organisational goals through its purchasing and contract management.
Purchasing and tendering takes place in a dynamic environment. That is why THUAS is continuously implementing improvements in its purchasing chain (from Purchase-to-Pay), such as optimising processes, deploying modern and professional tooling, reducing administrative burdens and promoting Socially Responsible Contracting and Purchasing (SRCP).
The Hague University of Applied Sciences is regarded as a contracting authority and is therefore bound by European and national legislation and regulations in the field of procurement. A specific procurement procedure is followed for each tender. The General Conditions of Purchase of The Hague University of Applied Sciences describe the rights and obligations of the client and the supplier.
The Purchase Terms and Conditions below apply to all our purchase orders. The Hague University of Applied Sciences explicitly rejects any general or supply conditions of suppliers.