Collaborating on transitions: our knowledge agenda
20 December 2023
One of the ambitions from the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028 is an increased impact of our research. With the recently adopted knowledge agenda, we will be able to take this step.
One of the ambitions from the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028 is an increased impact of our research. We want to continue developing into a knowledge institute with a recognisable profile. A knowledge institute where research, education and external partners work together to create social impact. With the recently adopted knowledge agenda, we will be able to take this step.
Our research is characterised by a multidisciplinary approach. Even though a lot is happening already, more work needs to be done in order to become that recognisable knowledge institute. With this knowledge agenda, we want to create even more impact within our research, education and in society on the three themes we have selected.
Themes as binding elements
With the knowledge agenda, we aim to increase our social impact by doing three things. 1) We strengthen collaboration in the education, research and society triangle. 2) We deepen internal collaboration between faculties, centres of expertise and services. And 3) we make THUAS more visible as a knowledge institute. Elisabeth Minnemann explains: “To be able to make this work, we need more direction. That is why we focus our energy on three themes: just society, the transition to sustainability and the digital future. In doing so, we continue to build on our strengths. The themes are binding elements between degree programmes and research groups, and they encourage us to innovate. Related to important developments in society, at a local, regional, national and international level."
Fitting solutions
How do we capitalise on today’s opportunities and face challenges? This requires more than gradual change. In our research, we look for practical interventions and appropriate solutions. As a university of applied sciences, we opt for the values of justice and sustainability. And we emphatically want to use digital technology for a just economy. These values determine the actions of employees. We also instil them in our students by including the themes of the knowledge agenda in the new educational vision 'Learning at The Hague University of Applied Sciences’. This way we ensure that students contribute to research in different ways, appropriate to the level and/or stage of their degree programme.
Invitation to collaborate
With the further developing collaboration, new ideas will emerge in the coming months and years. As such, the knowledge agenda is also an invitation for everyone inside and outside of THUAS to work with us. To work from your/one’s own perspective on just society, sustainable transitions and a digital future.
Read the gist of the knowledge agenda in this summary.