The HBO Knowledge Base (HBO-Kennisbank) brings together around 30,000 digital theses and final papers from 23 universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands (including THUAS). And it also includes approximately 16,000 scholarly articles, books and research reports. In this way, THUAS is making part of the knowledge it is generating freely accessible to society according to the Open Access concept.

Use as inspirational source for your own research!

Note: you can view English subtitles via the “instellingen”-option

Use as inspirational source for your own research! (Note: you can view English subtitles via the “instellingen”-option.)

Theses and publications available from THUAS

Most degree programmes have made some of their electronic theses available for inclusion in the HBO Knowledge Base. These electronic theses can be accessed as full-text versions on campus or from home. 


Your thesis, too, could be included in the attractive HBO Knowledge Base showcase,  along with a LinkedIn link if you want  (and if your internship/contracting-institution and degree programme approve). All you have to do is fill in the Thesis Application Form and the library will do the rest! Or register it via OnStage for the HBO Knowledge Base, if your faculty has made that possible in OnStage.

Post your thesis on and create added value!

Note: you can view English subtitles via the “instellingen”-option

Post your thesis on and create added value! (Note: you can view English subtitles via the “instellingen”-option.)

Teachers, researchers and lecturers

As a teacher, researcher and lecturer, you can also register your publications for the HBO Knowledge Base using: an email to

We will input the publication as soon as possible after checking and taking into account any possible embargo period. Add the (authorized version of the) publication (and/or the link) and provide as much information as possible about the publication, the author(s) and the institutions involved. This prevents a lot of back and forth emails and increases findability on the HBO Knowledge Base.

If the publication has been registered for the HBO Knowledge Base (with the permitted version according to the publisher), it can also be found via Google Scholar after it is visible on the HBO Knowledge Base.

Please note: in the HBO Knowledge Base we only include publications that are fully visible to everyone (i.e. not hidden behind a so-called “paywall”).