No Fairness without Awareness

Once they enter higher education, every student deserves to be successful there as well. To this end, the Learning Technology & Analytics research group is committed to applied research. The research group aims to promote equal opportunities for students in higher education so that students can develop into what society demands of them.

Research within the research group Learning Technology & Analytics focuses on Learning Analytics and Learning Technology. Within the Learning Analytics track, the research group investigates student equity based on study data and statistical patterns within education, across subjects and curricula, and - even more broadly - within the ‘Randstad’ and the Netherlands. The second line of research, Learning Technology, focuses on learning technology and its impact on education and study or student success. 

Theo Bakker has been a Learning Technology & Analytics lecturer since January 1, 2023. His professorship is attached to the Faculty of IT & Design and is part of the Center of Expertise Global & Inclusive Learning. During his inaugural address on November 21, 2024, Theo will present the initial results of the research program “No Fairness without Awareness,” an applied, statistical study of equity. He will also discuss further research themes and ambitions of his professorship.  

Further details of the program will follow later this year.  

We look forward to seeing you on November 21! Will you sign up? 


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Photography: David Meulenbeld