How to survive Blue Monday?
15 January 2024
11:00 - 16:00

The days are short and dark, the Christmas holidays are over, exams and deadlines are looming, and it will be months before summer arrives… Sigh, how do you survive the most depressing day of the year, Blue Monday?
Don't worry, we have the answer!
Come by on Monday January 15th in the Atrium, immerse yourself in tropical atmospheres, have a good conversation with Oscar Prinsen, be surprised by sporty and creative activities, go for a new look at the Clothing Exchange Corner, or book a massage for relaxation. We assure you; this is how you'll survive Blue Monday!
Just walk by. Entrance is free. Don't be blue, see you then!
Donate your clothes!
Add color to Blue Monday! Join the Clothing Exchange Corner. Donate your clothes, share a smile, and give someone a new look. Drop off your clothes at The Lighthouse & Events Office (OV0.01) before January 11th.

Chair massage
Sit back and relax! During the massage, your most stressed muscles such as your back, shoulder, neck, and arms massaged.

This is an event of The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is a program full of interesting activities on current, social and global issues.