Do you want to “be the change”, or provoke it?
In the 21st Century Film Festival, student filmmakers take on contemporary global issues, from climate change to mental health problems to sexual harassment, in the hopes of getting the problems they care about on the public agenda so they can be solved.
Come out to view and discuss their films and see if they inspire you to confront your own issues. These films were produced by European Studies students in the third-year course Issues in 21st Century Europe, an interactive and blended course in which students are encouraged to combine research and argumentation skills with a creative approach to problem solving.
Dates: 26 & 28 March
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Location: Speakers' Corner
Free entry! No registration needed.
This event is from The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is a program full of interesting activities on current, social and global issues.